Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Stuff on the table - February 2018 UPDATE

Updates for Feb:

Zvezda 1/144th Ju-87 Stuka (2017) - no further progress
Revell 1/144th Me-262 (2016) - no further progress
Artizan/North Star 28mm Dark Confederate Zombies x4 (2017) - main painting complete
Artizan/North Star 28mm Jackalope (2017) - no further progress
Newline Designs 10mm Roman Triarri x31 (2016) - details painted, varnished, based, COMPLETED

Additional items worked on:

Newline Designs 10mm Roman Hastati x31 (2016) - cleaned up, primed, main painting complete
Newline Designs 10mm Celtic Warband x31 (2016) - started clean up

Enough Pre-cut premium bases from Warbases to base all the infantry for the 10mm Punic Wars project. Total expenditure for the month £10.18 - get in there!

Friday, 2 February 2018

Stuff on the table - February 2018

Blimey where did January go? Here's what's on the go for February:

Zvezda 1/144th Ju-87 Stuka (2017)
Revell 1/144th Me-262 (2016)
Artizan/North Star 28mm  Dark Confederate zombies x4 (2017)
Artizan/North Star 28mm Jackalope (2017)
NewlineDesigns 10mm Roman Triarri x30 (2016)