- Zvezda 1/144th Ju-87 Stuka (2017) - no further progress
- Minicraft 1/144th Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero (2017) - underneath painted and shaded, top surfaces base coated and weathered. Just detail painting and decals to do.
- Privateer Press Hordes Ravagore (2016) - some further prep work done.
- Battlefront Miniatures 15mm USA WW2 Parachute rifle platoon (2016) - COMPLETED
The priority for the month was to complete the parachute rile platoon which was achieved. And here's some shots of the lads on their snowy bases.

Additional items worked on:

Additional items worked on:
- Artizan Designs 28mm WW2 Maquis (2013) - cleaned, primed and varnished, awaiting basing.
- Newline Designs 10mm Greek Hoplites (2015) - shield designs started (9 of 32)
These are the oldest figures that are outstanding. The Maquis were picked up very cheap from a Wayland Games stall at the Writtle Wargames show in 2013, with a whole batch of other Artizan WW2 figures they were selling off. I think it averaged about £2 a pack. I sold most but kept these, some partisans and the LRDG and i didn't really know what to do with them for awhile. Recently though I began to mull over an idea I had about 6 years ago when I started to collect towards a squad level, early WWW2 game set in Nazi occupied Britain using AE:WW2 rules. This didn't go far but I kept some of the figures so I think I may resurrect this idea and the Maquis will fit well into this - they could as easily be British as French!.