Monday, 18 January 2021

Hello it's me

After just over 2 years I've decided to re-start the blog. The CV-19 lockdown (albeit almost a year in) but as I'm permanently working from home saving hours a day commuting and not being knackered all the time I've had time for hobbying. And that means time to blog again.

Thursday, 1 March 2018

Stuff on the table - March 2018

Here we go for March:

Zvezda 1/144th Ju-87 Stuka (2017)
Revell 1/144th Me-262 (2016)
Artizan/North Star 28mm Dark Confederate Zombies x4 (2017)
Artizan/North Star 28mm Jackalope (2017)
Newline Designs 10mm Roman Hastati x31 (2016)
Newline Designs 10mm Celtic Warband x31 (2016)

The 10mm Punic Wars project is progressing steadily. The aim was to complete 30 a month so I'm slightly ahead on this. Similarly to this time last year I've been spending more time playing guitar than painting. But it'll even itself out as the year goes on no doubt. 

Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Stuff on the table - February 2018 UPDATE

Updates for Feb:

Zvezda 1/144th Ju-87 Stuka (2017) - no further progress
Revell 1/144th Me-262 (2016) - no further progress
Artizan/North Star 28mm Dark Confederate Zombies x4 (2017) - main painting complete
Artizan/North Star 28mm Jackalope (2017) - no further progress
Newline Designs 10mm Roman Triarri x31 (2016) - details painted, varnished, based, COMPLETED

Additional items worked on:

Newline Designs 10mm Roman Hastati x31 (2016) - cleaned up, primed, main painting complete
Newline Designs 10mm Celtic Warband x31 (2016) - started clean up

Enough Pre-cut premium bases from Warbases to base all the infantry for the 10mm Punic Wars project. Total expenditure for the month £10.18 - get in there!